Step into the bustling workshop of a magical toy factory in this joyful puzzle game, where it's your job to assemble the perfect toys—scaled just right for each recipient! Carefully adjust and scale each toy's individual parts to match the specifications, ensuring the pieces fit together seamlessly.


  • Drag and drop the toy parts to the right side of the screen
  • Scroll over an item to resize it
  • That's it!

Made with Unity for GMTK Game Jam 2024 by this wonderful team:


Updated 19 days ago
Published 23 days ago
AuthorsClimbing Dolphin, ghon, migumi, HyS, benben_5
Tags2D, Cozy, Cute, Funny, Game Maker's Toolkit Jam, Relaxing, Simple, Singleplayer, Unity


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Lovely, funny little game. I like puzzle games in general. Would love to see more levels in the future :)

Thank you! I love puzzles too so I'm happy to make happy another puzzle lover!

Lovely game, you've all done a great job.

I don't know that I needed the torn blueprints at the start of each toy or the clock, I felt like the vibes and satisfaction of doing a good job  were my motivation to continue.

If this was to be expanded with more intricate designs I think the grid system could do with a ruler/some form of measurement tool.

Hope this feedback was in anyway helpful, good job team!

Hey thanks for the feedback!

Yeah I thought about adding a grid from the start though we didn't make it in the end. I agree that a complete version would benefit from this!

The torn blueprints are part of the gimmicks we tried to add for each level to add a bit of spice to the main gameplay, but I feel like it should have been a bit more clear about what to do first.

This game is so cute! I'm in love with it! If the artist has socials, please link them; I want to follow such cute art so bad! <3


Hey thanks! I'll ask her if she has any social!

very cute! I only wish the scaling was the same between the reference and what you're actually building. also, having some kind of feedback as to how close the part is to the 'absolute' location on the blueprint would be helpful! great work!

Thanks for the feedback!

If the scale was the same you could easily drag an object over the reference and get the right scale. We wanted to have some reflexion about the scale. You're not much punished for mistakes, so don't hesitate to try things :)

The same thing goes for displaying how close you are from the absolute location, though I think it could have been a bit easier on that side, with maybe grids easier to read and maybe some snapping? (not sure about that one)

But you know we ran out of time and there was very little time to test the game and see how difficult it is.

yep I totally hear that! makes sense about the scale thing haha

Very cute! Loved the transition between levels


Thanks! Glad you like it!